Selected Studies & Presentations
The Center for Discovery is committed to advancing scientific understanding and standards of care through peer-reviewed publications and professional presentations.
Select Publications
Regaining Trust in the Music: Music Therapy with Emily
Author: Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC
Publication: Chapter in Portraits of Everyday Practice in Music Therapy
Year: 2023
Title: Songs of Discovery for Music Therapy: A Practical Resource for Therapists and Educators
Authors: Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC & Amanda Ruddy Belcastro, MT-BC, Editors with contributions from Beth Deyermond, MA, MT-BC, Rebecca Erson, MS, MT-BC, Kenneth Farinelli, MT-BC, Nicholas Sherman, MT-BC
Publication: Book
Year: 2023
Transfer Learning and Multimodal Data Fusion of Wrist-worn and Off-body Activity Improve Sleep-Wake Detection
Author: Theresa Hamlin
Publication: In process
Year: 2022
Observational Study of Medical Marijuana as a Treatment for Treatment-Resistant Epilepsies
Authors: Orrin Devinsky, Angelica Marmanillo, Theresa Hamlin, Philip Wilken, Daniel Ryan, Conor Anderson, Daniel Friedman, George Todd
Publication: Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology
Year: 2022
Full Publication Here
Associated Factors of Self-injury Among Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder in a Community and Residential Treatment Setting
Authors: Jacqueline Flowers, Johanna Lantz, Theresa Hamlin & Rune J. Simeonsson
Publication: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Year: 2020
Seating and positioning factors in wheeled mobility. In K. Fleckey & L Gitlow (Ed), Assistive Technologies and Environmental Interventions in Healthcare (1st ed, pp.239-267). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Veety, L & Baxter, A (2020).
Positioning and mobility technology and environmental interventions other than wheeled mobility. In K. Fleckey & L Gitlow (Ed), Assistive Technologies and Environmental Interventions in Healthcare (1st ed, pp.267-286). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Veety, L & Baxter, A (2020).
Examining the Association Between Electrodermal Activity and Problem Behavior in Severe Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Feasibility Study
Authors: Bradley J. Ferguson, Theresa Hamlin, Johanna F. Lantz, Tania Villavicencio, John Coles, and David Q. Beversdorf
Publication: Frontiers in Psychiatry
Year: 2019
Psychophysiological Biomarkers of Stress as Predictors of Behavioral Disturbance in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Authors: Bradley J. Ferguson, Theresa Hamlin, Johanna Lantz, John Coles, Tania Villlavicencio, David Beversdorf
Poster Presentation: International Society for Autism Research (INSAR)
Year: 2019
Measuring Complexity for Autism Interventions: TCFD’s Inventory of Neuroeducational Complexity. Theresa Hamlin, Ed.D, Jennifer Foster, Johanna Lantz, Matthew Northrup, Tania Villavicencio, Rune Simeonsson, Donald Lollar. J Child Dev Disord. 2017, 3:2.
Full Article Here (Link) Download (PDF)
Recognize Need to Address Stress in Young Children with Autism. Contributions by Theresa Hamlin, Ed.D. Source: SpecialEdConnection®, April 20, 2017 Issue date
Improving Social Functioning and Challenging Behaviors in Adolescents with ASD and Significant ID: A Randomized Pilot Feasibility Trial of Reciprocal Imitation Training in a Residential Setting. Brooke Ingersoll, Natalie Berger, Danielle Carlsen & Theresa Hamlin. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 2016.261.261.
Upper Extremity Neuro-Rehabilitation Through the Use of Power Mobility. John Damiao, MS, OTR/L, ATP/SMS, Danielle Kean, COTA/L. Assistive Technology Journal – Volume 28.1. 2016, Spring.
Autism and the Stress Effect: A 4-step lifestyle approach to transforming your child’s health, happiness, and vitality.
Author: Theresa Hamlin and foreword by Dr. Temple Grandin and Dr. John Ratey
Publication: Jessica Kingsley Publisher
Year: 2015
Finding a Piece of the Puzzle: Case Studies on Social Skills Development through Improvisation in an Intensive Treatment Model. Beth Deyermond, MT-BC. Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the Master of Arts Degree, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, IN, September 2015.
Magic Club: Another Therapeutic Trick up an OT’s Sleeve. Rachel Thompson, MS, OTR/L. OT Practice Magazine 20.11: 17-19. 2015, June.
Restorative Sleep: A Life Essential. Annelise Potgieter, PT, DPT, C/NDT; Lindsey Veety, PT, DPT, C/NDT, ATP; Amy Baxter, PT, DPT; Mary Delia Mahon, PT, MSPT; Melissa Grassi, OTR/L. NDTA Network. Vol. 22, Issue 3, Pages 14-18. 2015, May/June.
Social Intervention for Adolescents With Autism and Significant Intellectual Disability: Initial Efficacy of Reciprocal Imitation Training. Ingersoll B, Walton K, Carlsen D, Hamlin T. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 2013, Vol. 118, No.4, 247-261.
Download Full Article (PDF)
Creating a Stable Base for Success. Veety, L., Baxter, A. Closing the Gap, pages 17-20. 2013, August/September.
Select Presentations
Preppin’ Pals: Expanding Social Skills Through a Vocational Club in a Residential Program. Poster presented at the Association for Behavior Analysts International 49th Annual Convention, Denver, CO. Hartman, A., & Martins, A. (2023, May).
Behavior and Quality of Life Impacts of Medical and Psychiatric Co-Occurring Conditions in Developmental Disabilities. Symposium presented at the Association for Behavior Analysts International 49th Annual Convention, Denver, CO. Lantz, J.F., Laprime, A., & Morrison-Diallo, J. (2023, May).
Putting the Pieces Together: Understanding and Treating Challenging Behavior from a Multi-Disciplinary Perspective. Presentation at the New York State Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Saratoga Springs, NY. Lantz, J.F. (2023, May).
Utilizing a Multi-Component Treatment Package to Decrease Rituals and Increase Participation for an Individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Catatonia. Poster presented at Association for Behavior Analysts International 49th Annual Convention, Denver, CO. Mellor, A. (2023, May).
An Evaluation on the Effects of Safe-Person Handling Program Implementation at Long-Term Care Facilities for Persons with Complex Intellectual, Developmental, and Medical Conditions. Poster presented at the Association for Safe Patient Handling Professionals Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ. Ryan, D., & Connolly, AM. (2023, March).
Together We Can: Building Social Competence and Confidence through Participation in Performance Groups. Presentation at the Mid-Atlantic Region Conference of the American Music Therapy Association. Loretto, C. (2023, Spring).
Strategies for Implementing Practical Functional Assessment and Skill-Based Treatment with Learners with More Severe Disabilities in a Residential Setting. Symposium presented at the New York State Association for Behavior Analysis Annual Conference, Albany, NY. Lantz, J.F., & Olvera, C., (2022, October).
Better When We’re Together: A Discussion About Behavior Analyst Inter-System Collaboration to Help Facilitate Systems Change in New York State. Panel presentation at the New York State Association for Behavior Analysis Annual Conference, Albany, NY. Morrison-Diallo, J., Laprime, A., Lantz, J.F., & DuVall, S. (2022, October).
Complex Case Discharge Delay Series: Documentation Strategies. Webinar presented through the Health Care Association of New York (Virtual). Laprime, A., Lantz, J.F., & Morrison-Diallo, J. (2022, October).
Reducing Rapid Eating in an Adolescent with ASD. Poster presented at New York State Association for Behavior Analysis 33rd Annual Conference in Albany, NY. AhKao, I. & Olvera, C. (2022, October).
Providing Alternate Activities to Replace Automatically Reinforcing Behaviors and Decrease Severe Problem Behavior. Poster presented at New York State Association for Behavior Analysis 33rd Annual Conference; Albany, NY. Scully, J. (2022, October).
Integrating Behavior Analytic Practices with Emerging Technology to Understand and Treat Challenging Behaviors. Symposium presented at Association for Behavior Analysis International 48th Annual Convention, Boston, MA. Lantz, J.F. & Olvera, C. (2022, May).
Alone Together: Community Music Therapy and the COVID-19 Pandemic. Presentation at the Mid-Atlantic Region Conference of the American Music Therapy Association & National Conference of the American Music Therapy Association. Loretto, C. (2021, Spring and Fall).
Reducing Vocal Stereotypy Using Response Interruption and Redirection with Mindfulness.
Poster presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International 47th Annual Convention (Virtual).
Olvera, C., Lantz, J. (2021, May).
Treatment of Aggression Related to Staff Preference: Effects on Behavior and Electrodermal Activity.
Poster presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International 47th Annual Convention (Virtual).
Olvera, C., Villavicencio, T., Lantz, J. (2021, May).
Replacement Skills Training to Address Inappropriate Climbing in a Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Poster presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International 47th Annual Convention (Virtual).
Scully, J. (2021, May).
Exploring Physiological Profiles Associated with Challenging Behavior in Adolescents with ASD.
Poster presented at the International Society of Autism Research Conference (Virtual).
Lantz, J.F., Villavicencio, T., & Hamlin, T. (2020, June).
Classroom Staff as an Establishing Operation for Aggressive Behavior.
Poster presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International 46th Annual Convention (Virtual).
Olvera, C. & Lantz, J.F. (2020, May).
Replacement Skills Training to Address Inappropriate Throwing and Aggression in a Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Poster presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International 46th Annual Convention (Virtual).
Scully, J., Marr, R., & Lantz, J.F. (2020, May).
Stressed Inside-Out: Managing Caregiver Stress.
Presentation at CP of NYS Annual Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY.
Lantz, J.F., Rico, K., Erson, R. (2019, October).
Psychophysiological Biomarkers of Stress as Predictors of Behavioral Disturbance in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Toward Precision Medicine.
Poster presented at the International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting. Montreal, Quebec.
Ferguson, B.J., Hamlin, T., Lantz, J., Villavicencio, T., Beversdorf, D.Q., Coles, J. (2019, May).
Using Physiological Sensors in the Assessment and Treatment of Challenging Behaviors in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Poster presented at the Association of Applied Behavior Analysis International 45th Annual Convention. Chicago, IL.
Lantz, J.F., Villavicencio, T., Hamlin, T., & Bertholf, K. (2019, May).
Intensive Intervention Using IISCA and Physiological Monitoring in a School Setting.
Poster presented at the NYSABA 29th Annual Conference. Albany, NY.
Bertholf, K., Lantz, J.F., & Villavicencio, T. (2018, September).
The Impact of Functional Communication Training on Behavior and Physiological Arousal.
Poster presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International 12th Annual Autism Conference. Miami, FL.
Lantz, J.F., Villavicencio, T., Hamlin, T., Bertholf, K., & Northrup, C.M. (2018, February).
Exploring physiological responses to environmental variables. Lantz, J.F., Northrup, C.M. Paper presented to New York State Association for Behavior Analysis Annual Conference. Albany, NY. 2017, October.
Custom Molded Seating – Who, How, and Why. Veety, L., Sipper, B., Rosen, M. 33rd International Seating Symposium. Nashville, TN. 2017, March.
STOMP: Socialization Through Original Music & Movement Programs. Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC, Amanda Belcastro, MT-BC. American Music Therapy Association Mid-Atlantic Region Conference. Rochester, NY. 2017, March.
Ask the Professional: An Open Forum for Music Therapy Students. Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC, Beth Deyermond, MA, MT-BC. American Music Therapy Association Mid-Atlantic Region Conference. Rochester, NY. 2017, March.
From the Mouths of Internship Directors: The Ins and Outs of Student Professionalism. Beth Deyermond, MA, MT-BC, Stacey Hensel, MA, LCAT, MT-BC, NRMT, Kristen O’Grady, MA, LCAT, MT-BC. American Music Therapy Association Mid-Atlantic Region Conference. Rochester, NY. 2017, March.
An Innovative Way to Screen for Nutritional Risk in Children with An Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) – the Sensory, Aberrant Mealtime Behavior Inventory for Eating (SAMIE).
Presenter, Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo (FNCE), Chicago, IL.2017.
Enhancing assessment and treatment of challenging behaviors in autism using physiological sensors. Lantz, J.F., Northrup, C.M., Hamlin, T. Paper presented to the Association for Positive Behavior Supports 14th International Conference on PBS. Denver, CO. 2017, March.
Enhancing Assessment and Treatment of Challenging Behaviors in Autism Using Physiological Monitoring. Lantz, J.F., Hamlin, T, Northrup, C.M., Villavicencio, T., & Bertholf, K. Poster presented at Association of Applied Behavior Analysis International 11th Autism Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2017, January.
Trending Topics in Music Therapy: Special Education. Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC, Facilitator. American Music Therapy Association National Conference. Sandusky, OH. November 2016.
Food Exploration and Discovery (FED) Program: A Comprehensive Approach to Addressing Complex Feeding Challenges. Kristina Carraccia, MS, CCC-SLP, Jessica Piatak, OTD, OTR/L. Speech-Language Hearing Association of the Hudson Valley (SHAHV) Annual Conference. 2016, October.
Addressing Mealtime Challenges Through the Food Exploration and Discovery Program. Kristina Carraccia, MS, CCC-SLP, Jessica Piatak, OTD, OTR/L. Inspire – Orange County Cerebral Palsy Association. Newburgh, NY. 2016, September.
Food Exploration and Discovery (FED) Program: A Comprehensive Approach to Addressing Complex Feeding Challenges. Jessica Piatak, OTD, OTR/L, Alexandra Besecker, MS, OTR/L, Kristina Carraccia, MS, CCC-SLP, Stephanie Harrigan, MS, CCC-SLP, Heidi Moser, MS, CCC-SLP, Jessica Scanna, MS, CCC-SLP. National Autism Society Conference. 2016, July.
The Health E6: An Interprofessional Model for Holistic Care. Dr. Helena le Roux, Alyce Sherwood, Conio Loretto, Dr. Nicole Kinney & Jennifer Franck. York Wellness and Rehabilitation Institute International Conference, Nazareth College, Rochester, NY, June 2016.
The Health E6: An Interprofessional Model for Holistic Care. Dr. Helena le Roux, Alyce Sherwood, Conio Loretto, Dr. Nicole Kinney & Jennifer Franck. York Wellness and Rehabilitation Institute International Conference, Nazareth College, Rochester, NY, June 2016.
Making Music, Enriching Lives: Music Therapy Services for People with Intellectual Disabilities Across the Lifespan. Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC & Beth Deyermond, MA, MT-BC. Aging/Intellectual Disability Cross-Systems Conference, Hershey, PA, May 2016.
Nourishing on the Spectrum: Nutrition and Feeding for Children with Autism.
Keynote Speaker, Greater New York Dietetic Association, New York, NY.2016.
Making Music, Enriching Lives: Music Therapy Services for People with Intellectual Disabilities Across the Lifespan. Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC & Beth Deyermond, MA, MT-BC. Aging/Intellectual Disability Cross-Systems Conference, Hershey, PA, May 2016.
The Center for Discovery: A Unique Approach to Autism. Kristina Carraccia, MS, CCC-SLP, Jessica Piatak, OTD, OTR/L, Stephanie Harrigan, MS, CCC-SLP. New York University. 2016, April.
A Comprehensive Approach to Addressing Complex Feeding Challenges. Kristina Carraccia, MS, CCC-SLP, Jessica Piatak, OTD, OTR/L, Stephanie Harrigan, MS, CCC-SLP. New York University. 2016, April.
Discovery Café: A Fun Interdisciplinary Approach to Vocational Skill Building. Heidi Moser, MS, CCC-SLP, Rachel Thompson, MS, OTR/L. The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. Chicago, IL. 2016, April.
The Effects of Two Occupational Therapy Group-Based Interventions on Social Participation in Adolescents with Autism. Rachel Thompson, MS, OTR/L, Jessica Piatak, OTD, OTR/L. The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. Chicago, IL. 2016, April.
Food Exploration and Discovery, A Comprehensive Approach to Addressing Complex Feeding Challenges. Jessica Piatak, OTD, OTR/L, Alexandra Besecker, MS, OTR/L, Kristina Carraccia, MS, CCC-SLP, Stephanie Harrigan, MS, CCC-SLP, Heidi Moser, MS, CCC-SLP. The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. Chicago, IL. 2016, April.
Music Therapy Program Development in an Evidence-Based World: The Intensive Treatment Model (5 hour continuing education course). Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC, Beth Deyermond, MA, MT-BC & Amanda Belcastro, MT-BC. Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference of the American Music Therapy Association, Harrisburg, PA, March 2016.
Stop! Collaborate and Listen: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Developing Pre-Power Mobility Skills for Children with Multiple Disabilities. Beth Deyermond, MA, MT-BC, Lisa Gradziel, PT, DPT, PCS, C/NDT & John Damiao, MS, OTR/L, ATP/SMS. Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference of the American Music Therapy Association, Harrisburg, PA, March 2016.
The Show Must Go On: Creating a Dramatic Arts Program for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC, Rachel Thompson, MS, OTR/L & Stephanie Harrigan, MS, CCC-SLP. Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference of the American Music Therapy Association, Harrisburg, PA, March 2016.
Ask the Professional: An Open Forum for Students. Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC (Moderator). Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference of the American Music Therapy Association, Harrisburg, PA, March 2016.
Reduce, Re-Use, and Recycle – Custom Assistive Technology on a Dime- Part 2. Assistive Technology Industry Association Annual Conference. Orlando, FL. 2016, February.
Adapted Cheerleading: Promoting Wellness and Participation by Enhancing Motivation. Lisa Gradziel, PT, DPT, PCS, C/NDT & Jamie Ciabattari, PT, DPT, C/NDT. American Physical Therapy Association Section on Pediatrics Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. November 2015.
Autism: A Whole Body Approach. Hamlin, T., Northrup, C.M., & Lantz, J.F. Presented at CRP Centers of Excellence Summit. Saratoga Springs, NY. 2015, October.
Get Up and Get Moving: Benefits of Exercise for Individuals with ASD National Autism Society Conference. Denver, CO, July 2015.
Transition Team Care for the Medically Complex and Developmentally Disabled Population. Regina Olasin D.O. FAAP, FACP & Nicole G. Kinney, PT, DPT, C/NDT. American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry: Global Summit on Innovations in Health and IDD. Los Angeles, CA, July 2015.
Treating the Child with Autism- A Collaborative Approach with a Health E6 Philosophy. Alexandra Besecker, MS, OTR/L & Jennifer Frank, MS, RD, CDN & Stephanie Harrington, MS, CCC-SLP, Nicole G. Kinney, PT, DPT, C/NDT & Jessica Piatak, OTD, OTR/L. New York University, April, 2015.
Let’s Laugh Together- Using Humor to Create Friendships. Rachel Thompson, MS, OTR/L & Jessica Piatak, OTD, OTR/L. National American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Nashville, TN, March 2015.
Working toward Success: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Addressing Work Readiness. Alexandra Besecker, MS, OTR/L & Orley A. Templeton, OTD, OTR/L & Rachel Thompson, MS, OTR/L & Jessica Piatak, OTD, OTR/L. National American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Nashville, TN, March 2015.
Round Table Discussion for the Special Interest Section of the American Occupational Therapy Association on Developmental Disabilities. Rachel Thompson, MS, OTR/L & Jessica Piatak, OTD, OTR/L. National American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Nashville, TN, March 2015.
Together in Music: Developing Social Skills through Music Therapy in an Intensive Treatment Model. Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC & Beth Deyermond, MT-BC. State University of New York College at Fredonia, Fredonia, NY, March 2015.
From the Inside Out: Exploring the Dynamic Process of Music Therapy Supervision. Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC (& Haden Minifie, MT-BC). Mid-Atlantic Region Conference of the American Music Therapy Association, Ocean City, MD, March 2015.
The Elephant in the Profession: Balancing Career, Family and Professional Retention. Beth Deyermond, MT-BC (& Maria Hricko Fay, MSW/LSW, LCAT, MT-BC; Kristyn Beeman, MT-BC; Kristen O’Grady, MA, MT-BC, LCAT; Carol Shultis, PhD, MT-BC; Michael Viega, PhD, MT-BC; Melanie Walborn, MT-BC). Mid-Atlantic Region Conference of the American Music Therapy Association, Ocean City, MD, March 2015.
Ask the Professional: An Open Form for Students. Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC (moderator). Mid-Atlantic Region Conference of the American Music Therapy Association, Ocean City, MD, March 2015.
Reduce, Re-Use and Recycle – Custom Assistive Technology on a Dime. Lindsey Veety, PT, DPT,ATP; Amy Baxter, PT, DPT, ATP. ATIA 2015 Conference, January 2015, Orlando, FL.
Getting Everyone Working – Adaptations for the Vocational Arena. Lindsey Veety, PT, DPT,ATP; Amy Baxter, PT, DPT, ATP. ATIA 2015 Conference, January 2015, Orlando, FL.
Evaluation of Intensive Adapted Aerobic Dance Program: A Collaborative Research Project. Ertola, C., Lantz, J.F., Foster, J., Williams, S. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Dance Therapy Association. Chicago, IL. 2014, November.
Breaking the Mold: Music Therapy in an Intensive Treatment Model. Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC & Beth Deyermond, MT-BC. American Music Therapy Association National Conference, Louisville, KY, November 2014.
Panel Chair “Transitional Team Care for the Medically Complex Developmentally Disabled Population: A panel Discussion,” Dr. Regina Olasin FAAP, FACP, UCP New York State Annual Meeting, Albany, October 21, 2014
Telemedicine 101: Building a Successful Telemedicine Program Charlotte Ostman, LCSW-R, CP of NY State Annual Conference October 2014, Albany NY.
Making Music, Enriching Lives: Music Therapy Services for People with Intellectual Disabilities Across the Lifespan. Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC & Beth Deyermond, MT-BC. 2014 Aging / Intellectual Disability Cross-Systems Conference, Hershey, PA, September 2014.
Adapted Dance for Students Functioning at GMFCS Level IV & V: A Series of Pilot Projects. Lisa Gradziel, PT, DPT, C/NDT. Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association (NDTA) 2014 Conference, May 2014, Las Vegas, NV.
Simple Solutions: Concrete Ideas for Using Improvisation (5 hour continuing education workshop). Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC & Beth Deyermond, MT-BC. Mid Atlantic Region Conference of the American Music Therapy Association, Buffalo, NY, April 2014.
Breaking the Mold: Music Therapy in an Intensive Treatment Model. Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC, Beth Deyermond, MT-BC, Amanda Belcastro, MT-BC, Rebecca Erson, MT-BC & Timothy Gannon, MS, LCAT, MT-BC. Mid Atlantic Region Conference of the American Music Therapy Association, Buffalo, NY, April 2014.
Ask the Professional: An Open Form for Students. Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC (moderator). Mid-Atlantic Region Conference of the American Music Therapy Association, Buffalo, NY, April 2014.
Together in Music: Developing Social Skills through Music Therapy in an Intensive Treatment Model. Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC & Beth Deyermond, MT-BC. Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA, March 2014.
Playing with Pentatonic: An Introduction to Clinical Improvisation in Music Therapy. Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC & Beth Deyermond, MT-BC. State University of New York College at Fredonia, Fredonia, NY, March 2014.
2nd International Conference of Experts on Disability and Rehabilitation. Theresa Hamlin, Ed.D., Saudi Arabia. March 4 & 5, 2014
A Research Proposal to Guide Housing Designs for Individuals with Autism. Bill Evans, Autism Speaks Investors Conference. March 2014, San Francisco, CA.
Wheels to Words: The Art of Communication through Power Mobility. John Damiao, MS, OTR/L, ATP/SMS; Coleen Loughney, MS, CCC-SLP. Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) 2014 Conference, January 2014, Orlando, FL.
Therapeutic Power Mobility: Improving Mobility, Function, Cognition and Therapeutic Outcomes. John Damiao, MS, OTR/L, ATP/SMS. ATIA 2014 Conference, January 2014, Orlando, FL.
Adapting the Extracurriculars: I Want to Play Too! Lindsey Veety, PT, DPT, ATP; Amy Baxter, PT, DPT, ATP. ATIA 2014 Conference, January 2014, Orlando, FL.
Top 15 AT Interventions for Vocational Skill Building. Amy Baxter, PT, DPT, ATP; Lindsey Veety, PT, DPT, ATP. ATIA 2014 Conference, January 2014, Orlando, FL.
Developing Individualized Therapy Program to Address Feeding Challenges in Children with Autism. Jessica Piatak, OTD, OTR/L; Kristina Carraccia, MS, CCC-SLP. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference & Expo, April 2014, Baltimore, MD.
Clinical staff members Orley Templeton, Rachel Thompson, Lisa Wagner, Nicole Kinney, and Dr. Olasin offered a panel presentation on transitional care at the Cerebral Palsy Associations of New York State annual conference in October 2014 in Albany.
Potgieter A. Clinician’s Corner: Positioning for Function. NDTA Network. January/February 2013; 20(1):1,23-24.
Damiao J. Going for the ‘Goal’ in a Power Wheelchair. Advance for Occupational Therapy Practitioners online. July 2013.
Piatak J. Addressing Mealtime Challenges in Children with Autism. Advance for Occupational Therapy Practitioners. August 2013.
Damiao J, Clemson J, Longinott P, Gradziel L. Assistive Technology: Improving Function Through Enhancing Motivation. NDTA Network. November/December 2012; 19(6):14-16.a
Thompson R. The Big Barn Theater Group: An OT-run drama club teaches children with autism socialization skills and self-esteem. Advance for Occupational Therapy Practitioners. October 2012.
Mahon M, Gradziel L, Kinney N, Damiao G. Using NDT with Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. NDTA Network. September/October 2011; 18(5):26-30.
Visconti C. The Classroom Environment: Using NDT to Meet Educational Needs of Children. NDTA Network. November/December 2010; 17(6):1,16-19.
New Lessons and Equipment Modifications for Adapted Physical Education. Alexa Cheh-Mickelson, Laura Dancesia, Michael Rowley. New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (NYSAHPERD) Annual Conference, November 20-23, 2013
All Classes for All Kids! Amy Baxter, PT, DPT, ATP; Lindsey Veety, PT, DPT, ATP. The New York State Association for Computers and Technologies in Education (NYSCATE) Annual Conference 2013. November 2013, Rochester, NY.
Innovative Programs – Getting Everyone in the Workshop – Adaptations for the Vocational Arena. Lindsey Veety, PT, DPT, ATP; Peter Dollard, MA, ATP. Cerebral Palsy Associations of New York State Annual Conference. October 2013, Saratoga Springs, NY.
Autism Effective methods for Providing Assistance to People with Autism and Spectrum Disorders: Experience in Russia and Abroad. Alyce Sherwood MACCC/SLP, ATP, Nicole Kinney PT, DPT. 2nd International Forum -Every Child Deserves a Family, Moscow, Russia. October 14, 2013
Alyce Sherwood MACCC/SLP, ATP: Presentation “Responding to Autism: A Comprehensive and Integrative Approach”
Nicole Kinney PT, DPT: Presentation “The Effect of Intensive Physical Activity on Skill Acquisition and Arousal Level for Children with Autism”
Week long training provided by: Johanna Lantz, Ph.D. and Tiffini Amato at a Special education school in St. Petersburg, September 2014
Assistive Technology and Neuro-Developmental Treatment: Improving Function through Enhancing Motivation. John Damiao, MS, OTR/L, ATP; Jamie Clemson, PT, C/NDT; Patricia Longinott, PT, DPT, C/NDT; Lisa Gradziel, PT, DPT, C/NDT. American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) Annual Meeting, October 2013.
Supporting Students with Autism and Developmental Disabilities in the Classroom: Consultation and Inservice for Teachers and Clinicians. Johanna Lantz, Ph.D.; Tiffini Amato; Rehabilitation and Mercy Specialized School #46 for Children with Learning Disabilities, October 16-20, 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia
American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) Annual Meeting, October 16-19, 2013
Fitness and physical therapy for people with ASD. Nicole Kinney PT, DPT: 2nd International Forum: “Every Child Deserves a Family” Autism: Effective support programs for persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Russian and International Experience. October 14-17, 2013, Moscow, Russia
Addressing Feeding Challenges in Children with Autism Using a Holistic and Collaborative Approach. Jessica Piatak, OTD, OTR/L; Kristina Carraccia, MS, CCC, SLP. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference & Expo, April 2013, San Diego, CA.
A Whole Foods Diet with Omega 3 and Vitamin D supplementation is associated with Improved Health Outcomes in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Poster Session, Experimental Biology Annual Conference, Boston, MA. 2013.
DIY Solutions- Positioning for Classroom Success. Lindsey Veety, PT, DPT, ATP; Amy Baxter, PT, DPT, ATP. Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA), January 2013, Orlando.
DIY Solutions- Let’s Play: Using Assistive Technology to Level the Playing Field. Lindsey Veety, PT, DPT, ATP; Amy Baxter, PT, DPT, ATP. New York State Association for Computers and Technologies in Education (NYSCATE), November 2012, Rochester, NY.
Creating a Stable Base for Success. Lindsey Veety, PT, DPT, zATP; Amy Baxter, PT, DPT, ATP. Closing the Gap Conference, October 2012, Minneapolis.
Integrating Assistive Technologies into the Classroom. Lindsey Veety, PT, DPT, ATP; Amy Baxter, PT, DPT, ATP. NYSCATE Hudson Valley, April 2012.
Benefits of Aquatic Therapy : Introduction to aquatic therapy. Annelise Potgieter, PT, C/NDT, Orley Templeton, MS, OTR/L, C/NDT. Block Institute, Brooklyn, NY