Trainings & Resources

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19 results

Behavior Support

External Resource

Zones of Regulation

The Zones of Regulation framework and curriculum (Kuypers, 2011) teaches students skills toward building awareness of their feelings/internal state and utilize a variety of tools and strategies for regulation, prosocial skills, self-care, and overall wellness. This includes exploring tools and strategies for mindfulness, sensory integration, movement, thinking strategies, wellness, and healthy connection with others.

Behavior Support

External Resource

Therapeutic Crisis Intervention

Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) Helps residential child care organizations to create a trauma-sensitive environment where children and adults are safe and feel safe. Proactively prevent and/or de-escalate potential crisis situations with children. Manage a crisis situation in a therapeutic manner, and, if necessary, intervene physically in a manner that reduces the risk of harm to children and staff.